The Truth About Manufactured Housing

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It's amazing how many myths are out there about modular and factory built homes - especially that they aren't built well or will "blow away" in a storm.
Clayton Homes has been getting a lot of press about their new modular homes and even traditional builders are starting to take notice. As a Lifestylist® I have spent a lot of time in both and would be happy to live in either. They have done a great job in their Blog dispelling some of the rumors about this very efficient form of housing.

After Hurricane Katrina

It's hard to believe that's it's been 10 years since Katrina set her eye on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. So much of the media was focused on New Orleans, but the entire Gulf Coast especially in Mississippi has yet to fully recover from her wrath.
When it became obvious that here was going to be extensive loss of housing , the Manufactured Housing Institute and the manufactured housing community sprung into action to make sure that people would have a place to live that was safe.
A few years after the storm MHI's magazine: Modern Homes had an article written by Lifestylist® Suzanne Felber with photography by Lisa Stewart Photography that shared what progress had been made, and what an important part of the rebuilding process manufactured housing played.
You can read a copy of the article here.

Value vs Lifestyle: Is It Possible To Have It All?

It's been an interesting week as far as media regarding factory built homes - The NY Times published a very controversial article yesterday: "The Cold Hard Lessons of Mobile Home U". In it people who make a very good living in this industry make very disparaging remarks about "trailer parks" and the people that live in them. Fortunately industry veteran Bruce Savage set the record straight on the American Housing Advocates page.
True, there are these types of communities out there that have no community amenities and provide a bare bones quality of life, but what they neglected to talk about is the communities that are all about lifestyle and community.
It is possible to to to have lifestyle and value all in the same place? Absolutely! Fortunately there are many land lease communities across the country that offer a great quality of life to their residents at a very fair price. The new American Housing Advocates group is committed to getting the word out about what a great value Factory built housing can be, and we are looking forward to learning more from this group in the future.

The Lifestylist Brands Wins Model Home of the Year

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We are so proud to announce that at the recent MHI Congress and Expo The Lifestylst Brands was awarded the Best Model Home award for a retail center. This home was built by SE Homes of Texas, and was owned by R & R Mobile Homes in DeRidder, LA.
This is a great honor and we love having the opportunity to help these great clients sell homes.